Sunday, July 05, 2009

Picked potatoes, beetroot, carrots and onions

Heat wave coming to an end, but it's still very sunny and no rain. Just not in the 30's which is a relief.

Picked first batch of veggies ... carrots (not very sucessfull) potatoes (not bad) and beetroot (very sucessfull). Also cleared all the red onions at the back. Potato and onion much for tea. First bacth of carrot seedlings coming thru' so sowed some more in the space left by the onions.

Working on the revamped box on right. Bitumen painted the inside top and stuck left over lino to it, with a few galv nails to hold in place. Then dug over the base of the box to break up even more of the hard packed clay and started to fill it with compost and straw mix. Will leave that to settle down...hopefully the compost gets into the cracks in the clay.

Trying to root numerous blackberries by bending over shoots into pots and backfilling with soil, so hopefully they will take and can get planted around the area where there's no fence between me and the outside.

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