Friday, July 17, 2009


Dug up 5 or 6 potato plants, for Saturday's gathering. Probably about 10Kg. Quite a good harvest from all the varieties I tried, with some being very large for this early time of year. Ground a little dry, even with recent storms, and tops wilting in the sun. A couple of the plants have died back completely (with no pattern to which have ben affected).

Also dug up a couple of carrots - not a good year for them, as short and bent.

Cougettes coming along - picked 4 already. The squashes really starting to take off, with plenty of fruit set, however lets see if the continue as that seems to depend on the weather (i.e. if it gets chilly then the fruit wont do well).

The weather has been intermittently quite hot but with the odd storm every now and then. At least an inch of rain last night, with I suspect another inch to come as the same depression sweeps round and comes back for a second shot.

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