Sunday, October 19, 2008

The latest box

Completed the latest box. I think it can have leeks next year.

From left to right, top to bottom the sequence is...
1) dig out completely;
2) line with plastic bags stapled to inside of box;
3) fill a layer of straw / menure mix;
4) add a layer of green waste, household waste and some very wormy stuff from the compost heap;
5) add a layer of part composted straw menuure;
6) and another layer of new straw menure;
7) and finally a layer of soil and a layer of part used compost (from the tomoatoes this year) which was 1 year old rotted down straw / menure.

Also, throw over a couple of handfulls of bone meal.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Picked all the squashes

Steve & family down for the day. Picked the last few raspberries and a few carrots.

Picked all the squashes; 11 in total although a couple are pretty small.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Clearing up and planting over-wintering onions and garlic

Picked the last few courgettes and dug up all remaining potatoes; which look very worm eaten. Some of the red cabbage are hearteninig up very nicely.

Cleared up the beans and started cutting back the raspberries. Added to new box at back, and layered with straw/menure mix, plus the soil/compost contents of the tomatoes pots. Then covered that box with the old shower screen, which should heat it up nicely.

Planted onions and garlic in the sweetcorn bed at the back ...used up 3 out of possibly 5 rows.