Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cleared all the garlic

Picked all the garlic now, as increasingly looking like its done (leaves browning and dying down) and some more had white fungus on root ball. Where I had uncovered the bulbs it made no difference; possibly worse, as the came up with no effort at all - almost as if roots had died back. Good crop none-the-less and should keep us going for the year, with some to save and some to give away.

Bought some lettuce seedlings to go in the front left box to replace some of the garlic.

And also got some fresh carrot seed and sowed in large bed at back, again where the garlic has come up. Seems very late to me ...but does say on packet can be sown in June, so we'll see.

Got 2 replacement courgettes from the garden centre as previous ones were looking a bit sad ...small, feeble plants, yellowing and covered in black-fly. But at £2 each, they'll have to produce a lot of courgettes to get much of a payback!

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