Potatoes coming through so earthing them up. The row under the plastic cloche are a couple of inches higher than those not protected.
Some of the seeds (carrots, beetroot) germinated but many did not, so planted some more and took the plastic cloche off the carrots, as maybe this was making it too dry.
Planted leek seedings in the furthest back bed on right, by dibbing a quite deep hole, dropping seeding in, with only an inch or two poking out, and watering in. That is a very highly menured and dugover bed so hopefully should perfectly suit the leeks. Moved the bramble sticks to this area to keep any animals off until stuff gets established.
Dug over the bed for sweetcorn, leveled and covered with black plastic so it starts to warm up.
Emptied one of the skip bags of composting straw mix, partly into the others and over some of the beds.