Continued to work on the sweet corn bed - dug over and leveled. Bought some sweetcorn seedlings and transplanted into pots at home ready to plant out.
Bought some more peas to fill in gaps in main pea area.
Planted most of the cabages from pots in bed, bottom 2nd from left, and covered with a polytunnel for now. Gave up with dwarf bean seeds -- nothing germinated or all got eaten.
Planted some bought dwarf beans in top bit of 3rd from left bed - about 3" high. Lets see if they survive.
Purchased some carrot and beetroot seedlings and planted in Michael and Tom's beds.
Dug over the squash bed -- bottom right -- and dug in a little of the menu/straw/wood chippings mix from allotment site.
Weather: Been cloudy for a few days and rained alot late on Saturday. Cool, cloudy but dry on Sunday.